The use of technology to ensure the correct dose of medicines

Abstract The hospital pharmacy aims, in the context of patient safety, to collaborate in the process of health care and well-being, ensuring that the patient uses the prescribed medication, in the appropriate presentation, time, dose, dosage and routes, avoiding errors associated with medications. As an important measure to reduce the risk of…

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Occasions for Adverse Events

Concern about human error and organizational accident risk management is relatively recent. For at least two decades, several studies in different countries have evaluated patient safety in hospitals, but more attention is needed to system failures in order to measure and evaluate what happened in order to…

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Software to measure errors

Adverse Events (AEs) caused by medications are those that present the greatest individual risk of harm to patients in hospitals. The medication chain involves several sectors of the hospital: Standardization Receipt Distribution Unitarization Prescription Clinical Pharmacology Medication administration Medication return. In all these steps, it is essential to…

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