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Introduction to Hospital Logistics and the role of the Pharmacist

Hospital Logistics is a set of activities that involves the management of supplies, materials, equipment, medicines, waste and beds in hospitals, ensuring the availability of the necessary resources at the exact time and in the appropriate quantity. Its processes are necessary to ensure that supplies are stored correctly and that waste is disposed of appropriately, avoiding “Mudas” (or waste, in LEAN language), delays and interruptions in patient care. It is a combination of science and art, which requires both technical skills and creativity and flexibility to deal with unpredictable situations and ensure that patients receive the best care possible.

In essence, it is an activity that must be performed in an exact and, to a certain extent, military manner, under the aspect of the need for precision and reliability. Throughout the entire logistics chain, we may come across situations such as products that have limited expiration dates that require special storage conditions; loss or misplacement of products can occur at any stage of the chain; lack of transparency and difficulties in product traceability; need to respond quickly to emergency situations and limited budgets for purchasing and managing supplies.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand the processes, establish guidelines and execute them aiming for maximum efficiency in providing services to patients, generating savings and eliminating changes throughout the chain. We will see that eliminating Mudas reduces costs, while promoting improvements in the services provided, creating a balance between patient satisfaction and the rational use of available resources.

In this article, we initially present some trends applicable to the area, such as materials and supplies management, for example, involving the identification of needs, the definition of technical specifications, negotiation with suppliers, purchasing planning, receiving, storage, stock control and distribution of materials. Each step must be carried out with precision and efficiency, ensuring product quality and patient safety.

Hospital waste management is also a constant concern in hospital logistics. Waste generated in hospitals is classified according to its risk potential and must be segregated, packaged, transported and disposed of appropriately, following environmental standards and regulations.
Furthermore, it includes bed management, medication stock control and monitoring of performance indicators. These processes are essential to guarantee the availability of resources and the efficiency of the services provided.

With technological evolution, hospital logistics has undergone important transformations. Computerized systems, automation and robotics are increasingly being used to optimize processes and increase the efficiency of managing materials, medicines and beds.

Importance of hospital logistics

One of its main advantages is cost reduction. Efficient inventory management, for example, avoids unnecessary or erroneous purchases and ensures the availability of necessary materials and supplies at the right time, attesting to the quality of services provided, as well as the availability of adequate materials and equipment avoiding delays and interruptions. in patient care. Medication management ensures that the correct medications are available at the right time, avoiding administration errors and ensuring treatment effectiveness (related to patient safety). Proper waste management ensures that contaminated materials are disposed of appropriately, avoiding risks to public health.

The availability of adequate and well-equipped beds provides quality in the services provided and prevents overcrowding in hospitals, which can compromise the quality of care.
In the context of health, Changes can occur at different points, such as in stock management, distribution of medicines and materials, waste management, equipment management, among others. Furthermore, waste can have negative impacts on the quality of care and patient safety, making it possible to identify critical points of waste and implement measures to reduce or eliminate it. For example, the use of computerized inventory management systems can allow more precise control of necessary medicines and materials, avoiding unnecessary purchases and product expirations. Efficient waste management can allow for a reduction in material waste and the adoption of sustainable practices.

Furthermore, it can optimize the distribution processes of medicines and materials, allowing greater agility in delivery and avoiding delays and losses. Proper equipment management can ensure that they are used correctly and safely, preventing them from being idle or damaged through misuse.
Operations that do not add value, in general, are those that do not bring benefits to the patient, such as delays in the delivery of medicines and materials, failures in inventory management and the lack of organization in the service areas. These operations waste time and resources, which can negatively affect the quality of care and patient satisfaction.
With its application it is possible to identify and eliminate unnecessary operations, allowing the medical team and healthcare professionals (Pharmacists and Nurses) to focus on the activities that really matter. For example, efficient inventory management can ensure that necessary medicines and materials are always available, avoiding delays and interruptions in service.

Furthermore, it can optimize the flow of patients and the distribution of resources, allowing greater agility and efficiency in care, through the use of technologies and information systems, where it is possible to monitor and manage the entire care process, from triage until patient discharge.
Another advantage is the reduction of operating costs. By eliminating non-value-adding operations, hospitals can reduce their expenditure on resources and labor, allowing these resources to be redirected to activities that bring real benefits to patients.

In summary, hospital logistics is an extremely important area to ensure the proper functioning of hospitals and healthcare units. The efficient management of supplies, materials, equipment, medicines, waste and beds is a point of attention for reducing costs, the quality of services provided and patient safety, also including Muda control and improving management efficiency with the elimination of operations and activities that do not add value to the processes and the hospital.

The role of the Pharmacist in Hospital Logistics

The pharmacist is responsible for ensuring the availability of medicines needed to treat patients, evaluating and ensuring quality, as well as providing information and guidance on their appropriate use to other healthcare professionals and patients.
As responsible for each and every medication that enters the hospital, the pharmacist must understand the entire logistics chain to ensure that the entire process meets legal requirements and manage stock, which includes carrying out inventories, monitoring stock levels and scheduling replenishment efficiently, ensuring adequate and safe storage, in order to preserve its quality and effectiveness.
He must familiarize himself with hospital procedures and must exercise due diligence and professionalism in the performance of his duties. The acronym ASIP (Ask, Seek, Inform, and Participate) is used to help the pharmacist minimize errors in the medication supply chain and promote open communication between all parties, the patient, healthcare professionals and the community. . As a qualified professional, he is supported by the hospital's pharmacy department and is a member of the hospital's Quality and Standardization Committee, whose purpose is to ensure that operations continue to follow safety and efficiency standards, and may be asked to make decisions in relation to the safe supply of medicines in terms of the use of controlled medicines. He is part of the hospital's interprofessional team and will give advice to patients about prescribed medications, and as such, has the duty to ensure that the patient receives the best possible quality of care, which includes Pharmaceutical Care.

Their ultimate goal is to provide the highest quality of patient care.

Bibliographic indication
Read more about this subject by downloading E-book for free: “Hospital Logistics: Managing resources for Quality Care” – where practices, trends and technologies applicable to healthcare institutions are presented.