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The Pharmacy Lean - Culture and application of the principles of Lean Healthcare in Hospital Pharmacy
Lean It's a way of seeing things. It's about learning to differentiate between what has value and what doesn't. This book covers a subject that is rarely covered, which is the application of methodologies Lean Healthcare in the context of Hospital Pharmacy. With more than 25 years of experience as a hospital pharmacist, joining the theme of implementing a culture of waste reduction and centered on Patient Safety proposed by Opuspac, this publication is a glimpse of what can be done and applied in hospitals of all sizes in the country, whether public or private, aiming for significant changes in professional behavior, financial return and another leap in quality in FH and customer service /patient.
Author Marcelo Murad

Medication Administration for Patient Safety
Published for the first time in 2017, this book began a series of other publications aimed at improving Quality and Patient Safety processes, in Brazil and around the world.
It is a motivating read to improve the current situation in the healthcare industry. Maintains focus on the medication administration process, without forgetting to talk about other topics.
Author Victor Basso

Applications of ESG Principles in Hospital Units
ESG — Environment, Social & Governance, or Environmental, Social and Governance (ASG) — more than an acronym, a recognition that sustainability is a full and lasting path for a business.
The objective of this book is to provide knowledge of ASG concepts and their application in the hospital environment or any other area.
Author Carlos Vageler

Applications of ESG Principles in Hospital Units
In this book we will present practices, trends and technologies applicable to healthcare institutions. The work covers everything from the fundamentals of hospital logistics to bed management, medication stock control and process and quality management.
Author Fernando Capabianco

Patient safety
Lean, Quality and Patient Safety. Together, these disciplines tend to revolutionize hospital administration. In this work we bring concepts such as Lean, used by large companies, such as Toyota, and others that, applied to the Health area, reduce waste, increase profitability and avoid errors in medication administration, improving Patient Safety.
Author Victor Basso

Culture Lean Healthcare Logistics
If you have ever felt as a manager that the current vision did not provide all the answers you needed, this is your book. A new paradigm, a culture with new tools to face reality and survive in a disruptive scenario, reducing waste to increase results with current resources.
Author Victor Basso

The Manager's Dilemma
Grow in size… or improve efficiency to increase profit? This short book aims to show a vision of the hospital sector from other business models – Industry and Engineering.
Author Victor Basso

The system Opuspac of Patient Safety
This book is aimed at people who work in Hospital Pharmacies, Logistics, Nursing, Quality, Managers and health professionals in general. It deals with various topics of hospital logistics. meds e mats, with emphasis on the dose unitization process, which we consider part of the hospital's logistics cycle.
Author Victor Basso

Hospital Management in Times of Crisis
An approach and tools to solve the problems worsened by the Covid-19 pandemic towards a disruptive future.
Author Victor Basso

Brochure - Opus Nina
Instant Unitarization, without loss of packaging materials for small batches.

Brochure - Aivak Pro

Brochure - Opus Flag

Brochure - Opus MK5

Brochure - 30G + BC200 Integrated

Brochure - iBfill

Brochure - Opuspick

Brochure - Pik One