Victor Basso

About Victor Basso

Co-founder and Director of Opuspac Ltda, director of Opuspac University, industrial engineer at Universidad Nacional del Sul. Graduate degree in Owners and Presidents Management Program, Harvard Business School. Post-graduation in Quality Management and Patient Safety at the Albert Einstein Israeli Charitable Society Teaching and Research. Postgraduate in Digital Disruption from the University of Cambridge.

Healthcare Mindset

Haven't you felt in recent years the sensation of being overtaken by events? You probably blamed it on a lack of resources, equipment, or personnel. [...]

2024-02-28T10:50:40-03:00By |

Lean Culture

Lean Organizationis is the name given to systems derived from the Toyota Production System - TPS. It started in the Toyota automobile sector and spread [...]

2023-12-18T09:20:18-03:00By |

Less is More

Why have we humans embedded in our culture the desire to always go further? Increase? And have more? We accept that “more is better” without [...]

2023-12-18T09:20:20-03:00By |
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