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It is possible to make transformations and changes in the hospital environment!

Implementing a personal change or within a group or institution requires a great effort. Just like in the personal, the force of habit dominates us and the same happens with human groups.

And in the hospital environment?

The improvements we must make are undoubtedly changes. Sometimes they are small technical learning changes and other times they are big cultural changes.

Many changes fail when it comes to making them, as we are unaware of the difficulties that really exist in changing.

The strategy for change forces us to study it as a major event.

  • We will have winners and losers.
  • There will be friends and enemies (or simply people who oppose each other).
  • It is better to prepare allies, unite everyone who can help us and instruct and motivate them to support change.
  • There will be an evolution, a process. Not everything will happen in an instant, but in a sequence that must be studied and conducted.
  • Change will bring a new reality and new problems.
  • If we are unable to achieve the desired change, we must anticipate what the situation will be like and whether there will be a new stable situation.
  • Will it be possible and convenient to divide the change into several stages?

Carrying out change requires positioning yourself at a leadership level. The leader must stand out for his position, his history, virtues or knowledge, he must have great personal discipline and emotional control.

We normally classify changes as: large, medium and small.

  • The big ones will face some resistance and will probably be stopped, as they will affect some people seriously.
  • The small ones will be dissolved, left behind when the wave of transformation passes and there will be no change.
  • Making several medium changes is a big change, and is the most likely way to evolve by overcoming resistance.

We must emphasize the need to prepare people for change.

Fears, and especially the fear of the unknown, create a great force of opposition to change. It's easier to change when you fully know the consequences and ask for help moving forward.

A hospital environment, as it is a human group of different people and levels with a gradient of authority and a great tendency to exercise positions of power, is especially sensitive to all changes.

The first change occurs in people's heads and then in reality. Therefore, transmitting a vision of the post-change reality and selling this idea appropriately is the path to a perfect change.

It is often necessary to argue that change is necessary and that it will occur, now or later, and that resistance will be overcome, with a result that is better or worse than the current one.

People must also foresee non-change. Note that a situation can deteriorate, due to lack of guidance towards a positive change, leading to a deteriorating situation. Even though we often oppose a change to maintain the “status quo” or the current situation, in reality there is always a change and in this case, due to the lack of a guiding force, it will be worse.

There are changes from the top to the bottom of the hierarchical scale and those from the bottom to the top. Both can fail due to lack of support. It is necessary to recognize what position you have and complement what you lack and attract your supporters.

After the change, it is necessary not to trust that everything is already ok. Because, it goes back as much as it goes forward, we need to make corrections in the change process, improve and tie up all the loose ends;


  • Study and prepare for change;
  • Assume effective leadership, with the necessary support;
  • Convey a vision;
  • Choose several medium-sized changes to make;
  • Post-change improvements.

If you want to make a change in value, make medium changes that together will result in a big change.

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