Unit Dose and Hospital Logistics Automation

Efficiency above 99%
Advanced software for integrated operations + API HL7¹
Inputs with material Opus Bio biodegradable²
Complete solutions for hospitals of all sizes, with more than 1.000 facilities in 27 countries

1. Line of smart cabinets. Consult other equipment
2. Unit dose packaging rolls of ampoules and oral solids



Line for labeling ampoules and vials and cutting and unitizing oral solids, for larger hospitals.

Opus Flag


Solutions for unitizing ampoules and blisters, with blister cutting, for small and medium-sized hospitals.

Opus 30G
BC 200
Opus MK5


Safe Stock

Unitary dispensing (ONE to ONE) of mats e meds with Safe Stock technology and software and alerts for Patient Safety.

Pik One
Opus Mat
Opus Ink

APEXBRASIL Award for the Best of International Business 2024 - Ouspac Performance Exporter Highlight Industry

APEXBrasil Award + Exame Magazine

Best of International Business

Opuspac – Export Performance – Industry Highlight

APEXBrasil Award Seal + Exame Magazine

Continuous improvement cycle with System solutions Opuspac

Lean Healthcare Logistics

Modern methodologies Lean to reduce hospital waste.

Hardware and Software Automation

From single dose to bedside, all equipment for the complete hospital logistics chain.

Patient safety

Reduction of Adverse Events with methodologies that we are working on in several hospitals.

Complete cycle, from single dose to patient

the solutions Opuspac are innovative in their concern for Patient Safety and serve everything from single doses to Centralized and Distributed Logistics in the Central Pharmacy and other areas.

They reduce waste and provide Safe Stock, with automated operations that speed up logistics and unit dose dispensing processes.

Course platform for professional practice

A Opuspac University is a corporate university, the educational arm of Opuspac, which produces knowledge to support the quality of processes for healthcare professionals and internal staff.